From the beggining this course has been different then any other course I have taken. What made this course different is that we had to work using a blog. Its way differet then using canvas because when we publish a post its not the same as turning in a file on canvas.What also made it different is that Mr.Preston would actually do the wokr with us and do the reading with us unlike some teachers. As I look back on our experience together what I found the most meaningful was the class. I found it meaningful because for me it was easy to keep up on work. I also found it meaningful how it was not hard at all for Mr.Preston to check our work. As I consider the work Ive done I am most proud of how I would do my work even though I didnt understand it. I would have a diffuclt time on how to publish a post in the very beggining of the course. I am also proud of how I did not procrastinate in this class as much as I do with my other classes. ...