

     From the beggining this course has been different then any other course I have taken. What made this course different is that we had to work using a blog. Its way differet then using canvas because when we publish a post its not the same as turning in a file on canvas.What also made it different is that Mr.Preston would actually do the wokr with us and do the reading with us unlike some teachers.     As I look back on our experience together what I found the most meaningful was the class. I found it meaningful because for me it was easy to keep up on work. I also found it meaningful how it was not hard at all for Mr.Preston to check our work.      As I consider the work Ive done I am most proud of how I would do my work even though I didnt understand it. I would have a diffuclt time on how to publish a post in the very beggining of the course. I am also proud of how I did not procrastinate in this class as much as I do with my other classes. ...

Les Mis chapter 4 book 2

 On chapter 4 of les mis I really didnt undertsand this chapter. What I understood is the convict did not pay any attention in the table. He ate like if he was really starving.

Journal #6

 December 9 If I could interview one person it would be my futrue self, I would ask what are somethings I should stop and what should I start doing. December 10 I think people thibk its an important concept because its like saying the first person to get up has like more time to do things. December 11 A moment from my life I remeber clearly is when I was little I was running and dropped the christmas tree but it seems like my parents dont remember that so im starting to think that it was a dream.

Journal #5

  December 1- What inflluences me more is the relationship with my self because I dont got the same relationship with no one else. December 2- Someone who I conisder a hero is probably my dad because he has help me and others with a lot and would give me advice and stuff on things I was struggling with. December-3 Over the weekend on saturday in the afternoon my little brother wanted yougurt. When he went to the fridge there was nothing because it had all finish and when he went to tell my mom there was nothing and my mom seemed anoyed by him because he kept saying there was nothing but later that day my parents went grocery shopping and then i saw my lttile brother happy. I will describe him as indircetly.

Les Mis chapter 3 Book 2

 On chapter 3 I read  that the guy who was looking for shelter was let in into the house. When the guy entered he said his name "Jean Valjean" and also told them hw was in prison for 19 years. He sad that he had got out 4 days ago and was looking for shelter. Jean Valjean said that he would pay the bishop to saty. On this chapter I think that  Jean Valjean is suprised that they are treating him good even though his passport thing says all the stuff he has done to be in prison for 19 years.

Les Mis chapter 2 book 2

On chapater 2 I read that The reson the bishop is lets anyone in the house is because he has faith. He has faith and says that whatever happens it happens for a reason. They were saying that the house is not safe at all and were saying that they would tell the locksmith to replace the ancient locks.

Les Mis book 2 chapter 1

 On chapter 1 of book 2 I read that there was a man who was traveling on foot. In the book they described him as a 46 or 48 year old man with a burned and tan face and with a shave head and long beard. Know one knew who the guy was and they said that he had been drinking water from the foutain. I think that the people who saw the guy thought of him like a lost type guy or something.